Wedding Photography
Andy Pena

Wedding Photography Tips

Wedding Photography

Wedding photography I’ll leave the technical tips of photographing a wedding to the pros – but as someone who has been asked to photograph numerous friends and family weddings.

Make A List Shoot

One of the most helpful tips I’ve been given about Wedding Photography is to get the couple to think ahead about the shots that they’d like you to capture on the day and compile a list so that you can check them off. This is particularly helpful in the family shots. There’s nothing worse than getting the photos back and realizing you didn’t photograph the happy couple with grandma. Remember that!

Wedding Photography – Wedding Family

I find the family photo part of the day can be quite stressful. People are going everywhere, you’re unaware of the different family dynamics at play and people are in a ‘festive spirit’ and have often been drinking a few spirits to the point where it can be quite chaotic. Get the couple to nominate a family member or one for each side of the family who can be the ‘director’ of the shoot. They can round everyone up, help get them in the shot and keep things moving so that the couple can get back to the party.

Check Out The Location – Wedding Photography

Check out the locations carefully of the different places that you’ll be shooting before the big day. While I’m sure most Pros don’t do this. I find it really helpful to know where we’re going, have an idea of a few positions for shots and to know how the light might come into play. On one or two weddings I even visited locations with the couples and took a few test shots these made nice ‘engagement photos.

Prepare Yourself To Face Any Situations

Sometimes something can go wrong on the day, so you need to be well prepared. Have a backup plan in case of bad weather, have batteries charged, memory cards blank, think about routes and time to get to places and get an itinerary of the full day so you know what’s happening next. If you can, attend the rehearsal of the ceremony where you’ll gather a lot of great information about possible positions to shoot from, the lighting, the order of the ceremony etc.

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